HNW & UHNW Women: Energy That Opens Your Way & Inner Fulfilment
HNW & UHNW Women
Energy That Opens Your Way & Inner Fulfilment
Living in affluence does not mean following or obeying the mainstream tribe of affluence. It means embracing YOUR difference & dealing with the calling of abundance from day to day.
Join today’s conversation on why you as a High Net Worth (HNW), Ultra High Net Worth (UHNW) or affluent professional woman should look carefully at your situation and utilise your energy to open your way and deliver inner fulfilment. Time is of the essence for you. You want to achieve as much as possible as the years fly by. You are getting older and you feel there is still so much that you want to do before your time is up.
Mingled into this are the expectations of others. The others who are YOUR life partner (husband, fiance, boyfriend, gentleman friend, wife, girlfriend, lover, lady friend). The others who are YOUR family (near and distant, bloodline and step family). The others who are YOUR ‘friends’. The others who are YOUR colleagues. The others who are stakeholders in YOUR life.
You are an UHNW, HNW or affluent professional woman and you have experienced a myriad of life trials and tribulations. You have been through levels of hate, stress, anger, self loathing, emotional upheaval, tears and tantrums. You have also danced along your life journey in the giddiness of joy, happiness, affection, glee, love, elation and adoration.
So, you are what you are and that is an affluent woman. You are shy or an introvert. Perhaps with low level autism. You live in an affluent home. You live an affluent lifestyle. You have weight fluctuations. You have dietary impulses. You have relationship quandaries. Yet presently you are dealing with a recurring situation that is causing you growing concern to a relationship. Your relationship with YOU. You are thinking about your worth in your relationship AND the actual worth of the relationship. Stop kicking yourself and administering self harm. Professionally. Socially. Personally. So today this is where you find yourself. Wanting a way out, because you are tired of the same old, same old. Looking at a definite life change. Considering a release from something that is not sitting well within your life.
Sit down. Read this. Your life journey partnered with the Good, the Bad, plus the Ugly.
The Good (you showing your winning hand with bells, whistles & belly tassles),
The Bad (you being a smart badass when detractors are forming a corral around you, but you overstepping the line when your frustration of people triggers your anger and your good witch Glenda shows up fuelled on crystal meth), plus,
The Ugly (you being Universally snarky, with a “too cool for school” attitude).
Smell the cyclical fragrant stench from your own sewer *not a nice smell, is it*. Not everything in your life is sugar and spice and all things nice. It is time to open the window and set the unwanted stink from your life free.
You have heard and read some of this already, but perhaps it is the messenger rather than the message that you are not connecting to. It is crucial for you that there is aligning with your truth. Upgrading of your mindset. Success based upon your inner fulfilment. Success where you are doing what lights you up on the most basic of levels. When there is no-one in your immediate circle to guide, support and mentor you, take a journey in real life AND online where that guiding, supportive person can reach you. Find that confidential, private, safe haven.
Additional to this is where you are looking in the mirror and you like, adore or love, the person who is looking back at you. Not tolerating the person who is looking back at you. That just will not do.
Where you can see opportunities and gifts in obstacles. Obstacles that are brought about by others, or by your own hand.
Where your life is an effortless flow, because if you have inner success, you will never be driven to despair by outer circumstances.
You can see so many people around you and across social media who seem to have everything. Understand that inside of these people there are durations of unhappiness and darkness. There is something missing in their life. This applies not simply to the Film/TV stars, Music icons, International ambassadors, Designers and Corporate movers and shakers, who more often than not resort to desperate measures after they get everything that they thought that they wanted. Yet they still feel empty inside.
This is not simply about the individual that you read about in the headlines. It is also about the woman down the street, or next door to you in your nice neighbourhood. The woman with the gorgeous fe/male partner, the seemingly perfect family unit and living the seemingly perfect life. This woman who then tries to take her own life, or, takes her own life and all the neighbours say “...but she seemed so happy. She had everything!”
The challenges of life can be overwhelming.
If you feel success and fulfilled on the inside as you hit various ups and downs in your life, it is important that you always give gratitude and appreciation to yourself for managing the various ups and downs in your life experience in addition to accepting rewards for being able to sail with it. You still have you and you are the master of your ship. That is true success.
Perhaps you have given up on God. Maybe you have given up on believing in yourself. Yet you believe in the power of the unknown, the universe. As you believe that what goes around, comes around. This gives you fulfilment.
One of the surprising benefits that women clients find is that when there is alignment with Face Everything And RISE coaching they begin to discover a growing, powerful, guiding energy within themselves to uncover their real must haves and this enables a heartfelt desire to come true. As a subsequence these amazing women live their life of true success, because the veil hanging over them is lifted to show the clarity of their journey. A clarity which supplies further rewards, opportunities, benefits or prosperity in their life.
When you cultivate that steadfast inner success and belief across fundamental areas of your life, life situations then become one step closer and much easier to manifest your financial gain, your ideal relationships, your professional promotion, your social status and your life skills portfolio.
It is important for you to learn a mechanism as to how to not be shackled to outcomes. Easier said than done, right! I understand you. You want something so badly in your life to come through to fruition. Something that adds value to your life and makes everything better. This is what you are yearning for and it is challenging to let go of the need for it. Nevertheless, you do not want to be held captive within the bondage of this yearning, as it can halt your momentum and hinder your decision-making skillsets. Face Everything And RISE coaching helps you to learn a way of letting go of life shackles and increasing your well-being, so that you feel a comfortable freedom and space within your life and you love what there is about you. The you that shows toughness and the you that just wants emotional time-out. Where you want to make the decision to go with your own flow and not always be ushered towards the flow of others. The flow of others that have a propensity to limit you. The flow of others that surreptitiously binds you. When you access and unfurl your energy flow you create the space for clarity and its rewards to drop right into your life. You begin to recognise when you need to hold on and when to let go, so that your greater decision-making skills can support and come to you. That is when your energy acts effectively and things begin to act for you. True success is also about living with an open heart. That does not mean being taken for a fool or having your energy abused by others.
You are content.
You are beautiful.
You are whole. Many of you are whole with many life cracks. Life cracks that are being tapped over or plastered over as a temporary measure. Yet you have become accustomed to living with the recurring cracks for decades. As a result you keep re-tapping over the cracks with a mental post-it note to “see to it some day.”
You are loved.
Set your inner child prisoner free. It has been held captive for far too long and is exhibiting distress.
You deserve peace and your shackles to expectation diminishes your grace.
Now over to you.
Remember that living in affluence does not mean following or obeying the mainstream tribe of affluence. It means embracing YOUR difference & dealing with the calling of abundance from day to day. Where you deal with your abundance through your GRATITUDE in what you have right here and right now. It may not seem like enough for some of you, but it is a starting place to greater and better things that have yet to unveil themselves to you. Just you wait and see!
If you are feeling ‘so-so’, or, not coping well over the current season as you try to manage things through self isolation or a lock-down situation, in addition to having risen to the status of being a HNW, UHNW or affluent professional woman; including you dealing with being different as your place in society changes, drop me an email. At this time of the year how are you feeling about the relationship with your own Self? The most important relationship in your life. How is that going?
“Ladies if it is getting hard for you managing your lifestyle, contact me. Come and contact me. I am here for you.” Now that you are here with me ask. Simply ask. Jay at RISE for women coaching. Enable your upper hand to provide for you when you click on the RISE button in your life.