First Dates with RISE

UHNW and HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching

First Dates with RISE

It is Monday morning. You are sitting at your usual spot sipping an enjoyable hot beverage. You have your diary with you and you open it up to see what the day has in store for you. You glance at the page and you see that you have another appointment with Jay from Face Everything And RISE. You feel a smile spread across your face as you are now looking forward to your day. The day has given you an embrace and you feel at peace with yourself, knowing that later the engagement with RISE will open your perspective to enable your growth and care about your well-being. Whatever happens today you have support and that is a good thing.

But do you remember prior to this situation with Face Everything And RISE!? You were far from growth and well-being. You were of the Procrastination Church of the Lost Souls. As for making a discovery discussion, you were firmly entrenched in the “Not for me” camp with your idea of ‘reality’ beating you about the head and taking over your mind.

You were not alone. There were and there are many affluent women as you who poo-pooed the idea of coaching and consultation packages to aid their life business.

So, let us raise our voice in song from the back of the church so that the people in the front can hear. It goes something like this...

*Everyone else can hum along to the tune if they do not know the words.*

1. So you do not feel like making a telephone call to me.

*Perhaps it is too much of a commitment to someone that you do not know. I understand this feeling.*

2. So you have no intention of sending me a message.

*You feel that I am too much of an unknown quantity for you. I understand that concern.*

So a reasonable solution? Go on a first date with me. Or a speed date, if you prefer! NO credit card required. NO debit card required. NO cash required. You choose the date and the time. The ball is in your court. Purely an ‘as and when’ situation that suits you. Wherever you are. Whenever you want. NO rush on my part. I am basically leaving this up to you to. You decide where you want the first date to go.

NO pressure on you. NO overwhelm from me *hand on heart*.

NO forcing you to do anything that you feel does not resonate with you. NO rush on my part *scouts honour*.

So this first date thing *I can see your raised eyebrow and bemused expression*... By this I mean for you to read a blog. Any blog. As they are all first dates. You might read one and then go away for a while, then at some point I may cross your mind and have you wondering about me again after a short absence from you. This is when you decide to make a tentative return with a “Hello. Remember me!?” and wonder if you can have another first date. Depending on what you want to know or experience you will either find the blog full on open, full on heart on sleeve, full on innocent (or naive, take your pick), or full on in your face for a myriad of reasons. OR. You may feel that a first date blog has come across to you as a tad arms length and reserved. Perhaps too British stiff upper lip with a touch of distance or a touch of frost. You will have to tell me, as I cannot read minds just yet, plus, my crystal ball has yet to arrive. *Just me being cheeky.*

From these first dates get an essence, a feeling for whom I am, what I do and whom I interact with to help. You are free to go on as any first dates; or speed dates, as you wish with me. When you feel that connection thing happen to you *you know what I mean* it means that you are ready to take the next step with me. Just let me know.

There are some recommendations for first dates at the bottom of the page, but in all honesty you can go to any blog that you want. The choice is yours. Just to let you know, there are over 12,907 blogs in Face Everything And RISE coaching for women. Some contain mental health experiences and solutions. Some contain inspirational content. Some contain life issues and concerns from affluent women as you, with guidance to aid your well-being. Most contain 365 day-to-day videos with a life situation concern and a solution. There are also monthly composite videos in the life of a Millionairess and a Billionairess so that you can see how closely related their life issues are to yours.

When you have decided that you have been on enough first dates with me and your curiosity is itching to know more at no financial cost to you *still!* Click on the Next Step To Jay link to find out if you actually want to take the next step in my direction.

Remember that living in affluence does not mean following or obeying the mainstream tribe of affluence. It means embracing YOUR difference & dealing with the calling of abundance from day to day. Where you deal with your abundance through your GRATITUDE in what you have right here and right now. It may not seem like enough for some of you, but it is a starting place to greater and better things that have yet to unveil themselves to you. Just you wait and see!

If you are feeling ‘so-so’, or, not coping well over the current season as you try to manage things through self isolation or a lock-down situation, in addition to having risen to the status of being a HNW, UHNW or affluent professional woman; including you dealing with being different as your place in society changes, drop me an email. At this time of the year how are you feeling about the relationship with your own Self? The most important relationship in your life. How is that going?

“Ladies if it is getting hard for you managing your lifestyle, contact me. Come and contact me. I am here for you.” Now that you are here with me ask. Simply ask. Jay at RISE for women coaching. Enable your upper hand to provide for you when you click on the RISE button in your life.

UHNW and HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching

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