NOT a HNW/UHNW Woman: How quickly do you want to make a 6+figure income
What if YOU are NOT a HNW/UHNW Woman
How quickly do you want to make a 6+figure income
Living in affluence does not mean following or obeying the mainstream tribe of affluence. It means embracing YOUR difference & dealing with the calling of abundance from day to day.
Join today’s conversation whether you are an affluent person or not, because this is where I give you the low-down on the speed of you wanting to make a 6+figure income. The essence of the message remains the same but it is the messenger who adds to the conversation through a different cultural and/or social experience, perspective and actions that has resulted in them gaining a 6+figure income, that interests people.
Mingled into this need of yours to make a 6+figure income are the expectations of others. The others who are YOUR life partner (husband, fiance, boyfriend, gentleman friend, wife, girlfriend, lover, lady friend). The others who are YOUR family (near and distant, bloodline and step family). You know who the others are.
So, you are what you are and for many women that is NOT as an affluent woman. You are shy or an introvert. Perhaps with low level autism. You do NOT live in an affluent home. You do NOT live an affluent lifestyle. You have weight fluctuations. You have dietary impulses. You have relationship quandaries. Yet presently you are dealing with financial and other home pressures in your life that are causing you concern. Perhaps you are thinking about your worth in your relationship. Perhaps you are thinking about your belief in your own self. You feel out of sorts within your life. So today this is where you find yourself. Considering a change. Again. (How many times is that now?) You are considering a release from not having enough money and truly living your life. This realisation is consistently nagging within you. This realisation is not sitting well with you.
Let us get down to business and the nitty gritty. Because that is what you want. Am I right? Or am I right?
First of all you need to be completely honest with yourself. Not with me. Not with other people. Just YOU. Completely honest, because otherwise you are simply selling yourself short and you will consistently be selling yourself short with a less than honest mindset about yourself and what you want to achieve. All that you WILL be doing is lingering in La-La Land (your dreams) with no momentum and actions to add to the dream of making a 6+figure income. Just telling you straight.
How quickly do you want to make your FIRST 6-figure income? What about a desire to make your FIRST 7-figure income?
What if you have already received your first 6-figure or 7-figure income and you need another multiple of it for a purchase that you want to make, or a levelling up of your lifestyle?
People do business with you when you show observance in something that you know well. Culturally. Professionally. Socially. Personally. When I write 'observance' in this regard I mean a magnetising interest, a quiet confidence, an inner knowing and solution to someone else’s procrastination, apprehension, worry, anxiety, need, et al. This is why shy and introvert people do well in business. They do business from a different social perspective than highly outgoing, gregarious, extroverted people. There is a calmness, or non-pushy, or easy going, or pleasant energy about them that attracts new and repeat customers, clients and passers-by. Shy and introvert people accelerate a need towards themselves and what they are providing. So they scale up professionally, or in business, because people like their energy and their solution. Customers, clients and passers-by like their quiet modesty. Customers, clients and passers-by like what they have to offer. Customers, clients and passers-by trust them. Customers, clients and passers-by want to be connected to them. Customers, clients and passers-by like their confidential nature. Customers, clients and passers-by want to part their cash to them. Customers, clients and passers-by simply like them. Like attracts like.
As a shy or introvert person in business who is seen as a ‘go to’ in your field of work, you attract many passers-by to you and you are added to their wish list or a list of preferred providers for them to seek you out when they need what it is that you are offering and, when they are ready to pay for your service / product. You are seen / recognised as an added value to their life and they want that. They desire that. They need that. Whether you are working on a market stall selling top quality fresh fruit and vegetables to a housewife, local eaterie, hospital or school. Or whether you are selling from a mobile van selling top end beverages and cakes to office workers and tourists. Or whether you are selling a bespoke service / product from a communal work space to specific clients. As a shy or introvert person in business you have the propensity to make a 6+figure income and scale up because of your unique selling point. The uniqueness of you coming from a different cultural and/or social experience, perspective and actions.
People with a character showing excessive movement, nervousness and erratic behaviour tend to have people moving away from them. People have a propensity to not want to stay in their company for any longer than is necessary. There is a diminishing need to be associated with them because their display of ‘confidence’ or ‘engagement’ is not in alignment with potential customers or clients. This is different if you have a physical disfigurement that manifests itself as a ‘seemingly nervous’ twitch to your body due to an accident or other medical reason. Or even a speech impediment.
When you show an excessive nervousness you show a higher level of anxiety and worry. A neediness and desperation. This can lead to you behaving in a threatening or abusive behaviour because you are stressing on the need for people to buy from you and to like you with a lack of connection to the observer. Customers, clients, passers-by see that in you. Instead of attracting it repels. Customers, clients, passers-by dislike the pressure to buy from you, or do business with you. So they avoid you. Or block you from their list of providers. You decelerate their need in you. Instead you attract the wrong type of people towards you for a myriad of reasons.
Whether you are providing a service / product in a building, from a mobile vehicle or via the Internet, people need to have a vision of you and gauge your character, personality and moral compass from the goods and content that you are displaying. A fruit seller who mixes rotting fruit with fresh fruit will soon discover a decrease in customers.
How quickly you manifest a 6+figure income is all about how you come across to potential customers, clients and passers-by and, their need of your service / product that provides well-being to their life.
Now I am going to share with you something that most people do not even realise about themselves. That they do not even place in context of their life. I use the following with my clients; where needed, as a basic explanation to things and situations in their life. Are you ready? Well let us begin.
Always think of your life as a business engine; your life business engine, because your life wants you to show up and take control, this is in addition to how you value yourself and the type of investment (time, effort, money, etc) that will assist you to making your 6+figure income. A basic analogy is given below for you.
YOU are the one with the STOCK. You have a supply of a service or product that you are building for future use from a myriad of business ideas. Or, that you have sufficiently accumulated your ideas and they have materialised into something sellable that is ready for present use to customers, clients and passers-by.
Now you are ready to sell your stock in various packages (units) by having customers and clients take a number of SHARES in them that are easy for them to buy at a price that they can afford. For example you are providing cookery training; this is your stock. A customer takes a small training package that contains a myriad of documentation, videos and handouts that they need for a specific task in their life, such as a cookery course that uses only wholemeal flour and not plain flour. The next cookery course that they choose could be something on vegetarian cookery recipes. So on and so forth. Each training package is a share.
When clients are at a lower place in their life and they want to get ahead they need to take a chance on themselves and invest in themselves through the actions of a provider. A provider is someone that understands a customer’s situation and can help to elevate their life. Clients are banking on their feeling of trust of this helper in their life because they like the provider’s content and guarantee to help the client get to a better place than where they are now. Clients create a BOND with the provider with an understanding of a result for the future. Whether that bond be for 12 months, three years, five years or 10 years.
So there you are. The basic nuts and bolts to your foundation to making your 6+figure income.
Remember that living in affluence does not mean following or obeying the mainstream tribe of affluence. It means embracing YOUR difference & dealing with the calling of abundance from day to day. Where you deal with your abundance through your GRATITUDE in what you have right here and right now. It may not seem like much for many of you, but it is a starting place to greater and better things that have yet to unveil themselves to you. Just you wait and see!
If you are feeling ‘so-so’, or, not coping well over the current season as you try to manage things through self isolation or a lock-down situation, in addition to having risen to the status of being a HNW, UHNW or affluent professional woman; including you dealing with being different as your place in society changes, drop me an email. At this time of the year how are you feeling about the relationship with your own Self? The most important relationship in your life. How is that going?
“Ladies if it is getting hard for you managing your lifestyle, contact me. Come and contact me. I am here for you.” Now that you are here with me ask. Simply ask. Jay at RISE for women coaching. Enable your upper hand to provide for you when you click on the RISE button in your life.