Successful, shy, personable lady coaching shy, introvert and autistic HNW Women
Successful, shy, personable lady coaching shy, introvert and autistic HNW Women
“Dipped in chocolate, bronzed in elegance, enameled with grace, toasted with beauty. My lord, she’s a black woman.”
Yosef A.A. Ben-Jochannan
DID YOU KNOW: My name is Jay O’Burg. I am a shy, personable English Lady of mixed heritage who provides best practice, professional coaching, including other personal and transitional development services. This is what I enjoy doing and being successful with my female only HNW clients who are shy, introverts or have autism (have I already mentioned that my partner has autism and is a super genius Chemistry Scientist?).
You shall discover why; as a shy lady that, I coach. How I coach. Plus, many other insights that shall help you as a shy, introvert or autistic wealthy woman in selecting an incredible team of people to support you through your life transitions.
SHY (pronounciation: ʃaɪ)
1. modest, demure.
2. bashful; retiring.
3. easily frightened away; timid.
4. distrustful; wary: shy of publicity.
5. to draw back; recoil.
6. to turn inward; introspect.
INTROVERT (pronounciation: ˈɪn trəˌvɜrt)
1. a shy person; a person concerned primarily with inner thoughts and feelings rather than with the physical or social environment.
2. Psychol. a person who exhibits introversion.
3. marked by introversion.
4. to turn inward; introspect.
PERSONABLE (pronounciation: pûr′sə-nə-bəl)
1. pleasantly sociable.
2. pleasing in appearance; attractive.
3. pleasant in appearance and personality.
4. having an agreeable or pleasing personality.
This is how I managed as a 50something, Caribbean heritage, British born and bred, university educated, professional lady, to utilise the various coaching and personal development sector information that I have a substantial ability in, making it beneficial to my performance, what I needed from it and how I made it specific to my professional and private life experiences and that of my clients. Ensuring a special bespoke package for High Net Worth Women from various cultures and social backgrounds. Making my unique mark in coaching women. Utilising my unique talents, experience and accomplishments. Enabling my growth and strengthening my radar in the industry. All of this from a starting point of being equipped with my humble beginnings, limited resources, vexatious moments and my infinite drive. If any of this resonates with you dear visitor, my story is dedicated specifically to you.
My coaching packages are designed specifically to deliver what my shy, introvert and autistic High Net Worth women want to achieve. It is precisely what I want to do in an organisation that helps women become the best that they can be as they make their journey to their destination. In coaching and personal development, business is indeed personal. If my aspect of coaching for High Net Worth women, from various cultures and social backgrounds, does not sit aligned with certain women and what I know it can achieve for them, i.e., that my coaching packages provide a feeling of trust, change, life/work balance and safe haven through their transition, then I have no issue with these women being with other individuals/companies that they feel is a better fit for them.
These are my definite strengths from pre and post activities in becoming a professional CPD Executive. I observe. I listen. I assess. I action. I review. I reflect. I acknowledge. I respect.
I do not speak for the sound of liking my own voice above and beyond anyone else’s. I talk when I find it appropriate to do so. I have no ego or vanity with not being the most renowned speaker in a room, because I understand that there are various methods and techniques to make an impact and transmute stereotypes. I am at peace with not having a ‘renowned speaker’ ego or vanity.
I adore building meaningful, real, relationships with women who are shy, introvert or have autism from various cultures and social backgrounds. I look at it from this prospective, I would rather have two 50 pence pieces than 100 pennies to make one pound. I delight at having a handful of close associates who share my professional and personal qualities, but whom are also ‘eccentric’ or quintessentially individual and aid my own growth in connecting with others.
I make mistakes in life. I have done so from since childhood through to adulthood. I am a product of parents who wanted a perfectionist attitude from their child. Being the best. Maintaining the highest of standards throughout. That was my experience of being brought up in London, UK within a Caribbean household and attending a Roman Catholic school followed by a girl’s grammar school. Plus, the expectations of two very different parents. Both dictating how I should live my life. Here I am now as a 50something with both parents deceased since 20 years ago. Having experienced the opportunities from having a good education, employment opportunities and a champagne lifestyle with so-called ‘friends’ to relationship breakdowns, financial and business collapses and homelessness.
I am well in mind and spirit. Healthy with being as astute as I need to be in a room of industry people, where industry is evolving. Through my tumultuous life experiences I have learned about the detrimental aspects of ego and vanity. Including; from others who play the game of one upmanship, the definition of being a ‘minority’. This experience has enabled me with a reward of having a bigger picture on those people who feel the need to stereotype what a minority is. Sometimes in life one needs to learn, develop, receive solutions and enable strength by standing on the circumference of a world of people who need order and control through the chaos of defining and 'seemingly' controlling others.
I know myself better than anyone else. I spend the time that is appropriate for me to assess and review my Self and my actions. What others constitute as the ‘rightful place’ for me as a feminine, professional, mixed heritage individual, is their business. I neither have the time nor inclination to become a disciple, enthusiast or fanatic of such people. The angst belonging to others is something that they need to conquer and come out of at the other end of whichever tunnel vision that they are taking. This journey is unique to them and the demons that they must face.
Not everything is a bed of roses, smelling sweetly all day, everyday. Mind games are played around different corners by people who have no care in the world for helping others. Self gratitude and greed are gods that many worship in order to take care of themselves. There are highly toxic people across ALL areas in ALL industries who have a cultivated passion for destruction of lives and dreams. It is extremely important to encapsulate a measure of reclusiveness within your life. For your own well-being. Reclusiveness is a very important aspect of how I mind myself. It is an important part of my mindful routine, as it allows me to remember why I love myself, respect myself, praise myself and glorify myself. Spending this isolation time enables me to unify aspects of my well-being to take care of myself with total focus on the journey of me. Is it natural to mind myself in such a way? YES, because I am worth it. In much the same way that you owe it to you to take care of your own self, because you are worth it.
IN MY MOMENTS OF ISOLATION... (yes, that is me walking away in the navy blazer and carrying an umbrella in a blazing summer heat, deep in thought in Ravenna, Italy)
1. Having the chance to produce, perform and accomplish whatever I want to do, regardless of how mundane or small it is.
2. Being within and enabling time and space for self-reflection.
3. Creating a sacred place with resources, tools and aids to assist my innovative, imaginative, inspirational and original sense of Self.
4. An environment where I can just be me, which could be sitting at my balcony in my towelling robe and comfy slippers, with my two dogs. Drinking a cup of Green Tea. Having my hair in a three day old style of long plaits.
This is the foundation upon which everything else rests in order for me to be able to mind myself. Whichever industry that you are engaged in does not have to be an environment of vexation, stress or just plain crap, if you truly love what you do and put the time and effort into it working for you. Adore what you learn. Be thankful for the team of people that you work with. Be proud of your accomplishments in what you do. Be true to you even if no-one else is. Be uniquely you and true to you.
It is highly rewarding to see women of various cultures and social backgrounds becoming more and more successful.
There is no reason why a High Net Worth woman should not be successful coming from the University of Life.
There is no reason why a Lady of Colour should not be in possession of wealth, opulence, and luxury through her entrepreneurial journey.
There is no reason why a village born woman should not be a thriving businesswoman and becoming a High Net Worth individual.
There is no reason why a woman born into a ghetto should not be a flourishing High Net Worth individual through her sheer hard work and effort to succeed to a better life.
Around the world there are entrepreneurial women who become High Net Worth women from a starting point of being different.
From a starting point of being unique.
From a starting point of being special.
From a starting point of abuse (emotional, mental, verbal and physical).
Some are shy. Some are introvert. Some have autism. Some hold on to their inner child. These are my ladies. I take care of them. When they are with me they are within a safe haven.
The spending power of women from various cultures and social backgrounds grows. These are discernible ladies who have battle scars from life. As such YOU ARE: Beautiful. Talented. Visionary. Four feet in height (and beyond). A UK dress size 26 or international equivalent and gorgeous. Wearing UK size 10 shoes and are surefooted. Wrinkled. Bespectacled. A speaker of various languages. Welcomed. Truly welcomed.
Always delivering self love and confidence in the steps that you take. Whether you are a self made wealthy woman. OR. Gained wealth through a relationship.
“Deal with yourself as an individual worthy of respect, and make everyone else deal with you the same way. ”
Nikki Giovanni
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