Habit Stacking
Habit Stacking
Living in affluence does not mean following or obeying the mainstream tribe of affluence. It means embracing YOUR difference & dealing with the calling of abundance from day to day.
Join today’s conversation on why you as an affluent professional woman, a High Net Worth (HNW), or, Ultra High Net Worth (UHNW) Woman should look carefully at the habits that are not fulfilling you in life, instead the habits are enabling recurring stuck thoughts and actions from your past into you present and future within your professional, social and personal situations. Time to begin a process of damage limitation as your current dynamics are not making you as happy, or even contented, as you had thought. Time is of the essence for you. You want to achieve as much as possible as the years fly by. You are getting older and you feel there is still so much that you want to do before your time is up. Let it out, Let it go.
Mingled into this are the expectations of others. The others who are YOUR life partner (husband, fiance, boyfriend, gentleman friend, wife, girlfriend, lover, lady friend). The others who are YOUR family (near and distant, bloodline and step family). The others who are YOUR ‘friends’. The others who are YOUR colleagues. The others who are stakeholders in YOUR life.
You are an UHNW, HNW or affluent professional woman and you have experienced a myriad of life trials and tribulations. You have been through levels of hate, stress, anger, self loathing, emotional upheaval, tears and tantrums. You have also danced along your life journey in the giddiness of joy, happiness, affection, glee, love, elation and adoration.
So, you are what you are and that is an affluent woman. You are shy or an introvert. Perhaps with low level autism. You live in an affluent home. You live an affluent lifestyle. You have weight fluctuations. You have dietary impulses. You have relationship quandaries. Yet presently you are dealing with a situation that is causing you some concern as an investor seeking solutions to your own life situations. You are thinking about your actions in your relationship to Self AND the actual decision-making skills within the relationship with your own Self. The life strategies that are now integral, contribute to you being you in this here and now. Every issue that bubbles up in your life, just as you had thought it resolved, requires recalculating. Professional. Social. Personal. So today this is where you find yourself. Recalculating your lifestyle impacts and decision-making. Considering a release from something that is not sitting well within your life.
So here is where you gain from today’s conversation.
DID YOU KNOW… that by mid January 1/3 of people give up on sticking to a new lifestyle habit through the creation of a New Year’s desire, wish, must have, need… Resolution...
Having and being able to engage with good intentions are great, but sticking to a new lifestyle habit is a challenge for some individuals due to a myriad of physical, emotional, environmental and psychological reasons.
In essence the intention of engaging with a new lifestyle habit, i.e. a better life habit, is all about making changes that can last longer than four weeks. Your new lifestyle habit is not about shaming you or blaming you in your decision-making to be a copy of someone else’s lifestyle. It is about positive changes for you that is beneficial to your current mental health well-being and your lifestyle. It is about attaining easier joy, smiles and laughter within your lifestyle actions. Afterall, your life is a business and your services or products to yourself help to bring about sales into your life.
(Q) “So how do I make the change, because if I am set in my ways it is really difficult?”
(A) If you can fall into making bad habits easily surely you can fall out of them too. Meaning that you can make good habits too.
Put simply, the science on habit formation tells us all that we can retrain our brains once we can steer into it and initiate a better network of influence.
So what that requires first is for you to make minute changes as a starting point. As this type of starting point, as we all know, is always easier to commence. In addition to this simplicity is to tell someone about it. A someone who is not negative, judgemental and a gossipy individual. That you do NOT need. By confiding in a trusted, optimistic, proactive, or, positive like-minded individual you enter into what is known as ‘Declare & Share’.
Declare & Share is important because you are 10x more likely to stick to something if you make a promise to someone else that you are going to do it. Moreover you can ask them to help you with it, or, support you during it, as well. This is why it is crucial to have the correct individual at Team You. So that now becomes a double bonus via Declare & Share.
It does not matter what it is that you say that you are going to do. Unless you have that motivation to act upon it, as well as see it through, you will continually be stuck in your lifestyle bad habit. Unless you can see the benefits of a better lifestyle you will always be stuck in your bad habits lifestyle. As adults we are wired this way. There is complacency, laziness, unlimited procrastination and always seeking someone else to do the work for us because we feel owed (chanting the mantra ‘you owe me’ when things do not go your way) by the world as we get older.
(Q) “SO is it all about re-framing my lifestyle with the inclusion of better benefits, rather than just saying for instance “I like my lifestyle and all I need to do is to have a little less cheap alcohol per day.”?
(A) It is about saying “I am OK with my lifestyle, but would feel better if I had a better pedigree bottle of ‘x’ in order to appease that day to day craving of cheap alcohol, to a smaller amount of exquisite, quality, ‘x’ per month or on special occasions only.”
Reframe the benefit so that it is a positive, not a negative. Cutting things out completely and too soon can make you miserable. Not only within your life but it will also impact upon others that you come into contact with. So change from being miserable to being positively joyful with an incremental change to a beneficial lifestyle.
Instead of saying that you are going to bring to an end of doing things, how about saying that you are starting a new thing instead.
E.g., “I am going to stop taking takeaways every day”,
How about...
“I am going to shop well and start making delicious, nutritious meals for myself instead of spending money every day on takeaways. Plus any left overs from my cooking can be eaten on another day, or, changed to another meal variation.” Become your own version of a ‘made for television’ lifestyle cook.
When you think about this positively what can be more delightful than retaining money in your account to then be spent on something else that benefits your well-being?
You cannot live a favourable lifestyle if you do not engage in wanting to be active in attaining a favourable lifestyle. Your mental health and physical well-being starts ASAP. Now. Not tomorrow, or, further into the year; or next year for that matter. Your well-being has a sum and the sooner that you add to that result with a positive benefit that is available to you, the better. Do this by the end of twelve months, whether you choose to do this by using the standard Gregorian Calendar, or, commencing the twelve months from your birth date, because once you make the effort to start with a small change you will be further in life living your preferred lifestyle.
(Q) “How long does it take for a new habit to be habitual, meaning practical, instead of just a fad?”
(A) Philippa Lally, as a health psychology researcher from UCL in England, in 2009, found out that on average it takes 66 days for us to ingrain a new habit. Sixty-six days sounds like a long time and it is for those that want instant results. However, it is crucial to underline, that we all get frustrated with ourselves when we cannot keep up with whatever we have decided to do. The trick is...
Have patience. Be gentle with yourself. Keep at it. It is all about frequent, repeated action. Think about Habit Stacking.
(Q) “Habit Stacking? I do not know about it. What is it?”
(A) Habit Stacking is a discovery concept where you can string different good habits together PLUS on a basic level, begin to change your whole routine in order to be a better version of yourself in a new lifestyle.
E.g., If you are the type of person who goes to a fitness centre early, why not arrange your fitness attire together the night before inside your designated sports bag, so that you are ready to leave with ease.
The rule to making this easy and effective for you is this, if you are introducing a new habit to your life, put it together with something beneficial that you are already doing.
Habit Stacking is powerful. It takes very little energy to engage with, it is about your mind shift participation. Unlike self discipline. You can reap the benefits without an uphill slog. Think of Habit Stacking as engaging yourself in being free flowing and easy with a small change in doing something that allows you a better lifestyle and joy each day that you engage with it.
For instance, instead of switching on the television in the morning, switch on your favourite radio station (bringing you conversation, time, weather, news, music), whilst you get ready for your day ahead. Having your favourite radio station playing in the background delivers an amiable energy to your residence as you get ready for the day, resulting in you leaving your property in a good frame of mind.
#HabitStacking #AspectsOfYourself #YourLifeAnswers #WordsHaveEnergy #MentalWell-being #TransformYourLife #LiveToEnjoy #ChooseHappy #EnableBoundaries #FixMyLife #ManageEachDay #NoMoreTears #EnableYourInnerSelf #ConnectWithYou
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Now over to you.
If you are feeling ‘so-so’, or, not coping well over the current season as you try to manage things through self isolation or a lock-down situation, in addition to having risen to the status of being a HNW, UHNW or affluent professional woman; including you dealing with being different as your place in society changes, drop me an email. At this time of the year how are you feeling about the relationship with your own Self? The most important relationship in your life. How is that going?
“Ladies if it is getting hard for you managing your lifestyle, contact me. Come and contact me. I am here for you.” Now that you are here with me ask. Simply ask. Jay at RISE for women coaching. Enable your upper hand to provide for you when you click on the RISE button in your life.