UHNW & HNW Women: Lies


Knowing when to let go

I recently came across the story of a person who suffered horribly at the hands of yet another fake “expert”.

An “expert” who read 2 books on the topic

Got a fancy website (complete with foxy glamour shots)

And started calling themself the guru of coaching

And started throwing around phrases like women are incapable of rising to financial well-being independence and of acquiring ‘real’ wealth, ‘real’ power, ‘real’ influence. Especially women who are shy, introverted or have autism.

Needless to say, it all ended in utter & sheer disaster.

When I hear stories like these, it makes me see red.

Not just any red, blood red.

Because the truth is, if you want to essentially achieve assistance to help you RISE through an issue that requires attention to aid your well-being. Your personal well-being. Your professional well-being. Your social well-being. You need to access the assistance that aligns with you. That you TRUST. That you want to ESCAPE to. That you want to SUCCEED from. You have been putting something off; discounting it as not important, but is now demanding a solution. A solution that enables a needed incremental shift to your transformation in your personal life and/or your professional career. It is becoming urgent and you need to harness an added value solution as parts of your life are showing cracks, stress and strain from it not being taken care of through a set of corrective guidance leading to your well-being. Especially if you are shy, introverted or have autism. You are a UHNW or HNW woman and external/internal impacts are indeed hindering your well-being.

The only way to enable your well-being is to tread through the crap of public opinion and do your own thing in your own way WITH grace AND from the heart. Do not listen to the naysayers who know nothing about who you truly are. The favourite myth that people like to throw around with gay abandon are the ways in which you made your fortune. The myth usually includes a man of some sort. A rich man. A powerful man. An influential man.


Not all women start off their career or entrepreneurial journey on their back; married or otherwise. This is a load of bollocks. A woman who (1) does not look Westernised, (2) comes from poor or ethnic background, (3) is ‘old’, (4) has limited or no ‘real’ education, (5) looks ‘odd’, (6) is ‘fat’, (7) has a ‘mental’ problem, (8) has a disability, is more than capable of financial growth, power and influence through her own unique content packaged in the way that she looks and the way that she communicates, whether she is able bodied or not.

She is strong of mind because she is different and that inner strength can translate into prosperity across various industry sectors. Especially through her determine to succeed in her career utilising social mobility in the way that best suits her and her changing lifestyle. She is answerable to her Self first before anyone else. She is not a ‘mongrel’ because she is different. It is her difference that is her strength. It is her difference that propels her to stardom, to wealth, to power, to influence. That gets her noticed and that attracts people to her. They want to be associated with her. Her name. Her image. Her brand. Her service. Her package. She becomes content. She becomes invaluable. She becomes their well-being.

UHNW & HNW RISE coaching for Women UHNW & HNW RISE coaching for Women UHNW & HNW RISE coaching for Women

UHNW & HNW RISE coaching for Women

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