UHNW and HNW Women: Becoming the primary income earner

UHNW and HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching

UHNW & HNW Women
Becoming the Primary Income Earner

You are a High Net Worth Woman. You have amassed your affluence and you know full well that affluence can attract opportunists that aim to use and abuse your wealth. Naturally, it is your decision as an affluent woman how you decide to spend your income. Opportunists can be charming and eloquent. Opportunists can be handsome and strong. Opportunists can be university educated. Opportunists can be street wise. Opportunists come in all guises. Especially as sweet or honeyed leaders as seen to the public eye, or heard by the ear. Enabling a honey trap. With you (and your finances) as the prize.

When you begin to get used to someone in your life it can be most challenging to leave that person when the relationship breaks down, or takes a different turn to how you imagined things to be. Being abandoned emotionally and/or physically by someone that you have deep feelings for can enable your personal world to come crashing down. Mediation is usually sought so that fragments of the relationship can be mended, enabling both individuals to be able to stand and stay together, or, stand and move on through divorce or another separation settlement. Such a situation can be like walking upon egg shells or broken glass.

The subject of weather for some can be just small talk. Idle chatter. Introductory conversation. Pleasantries. For others it can be a saviour to a particular issue that they are going through and seen as a type of therapy. It may be that a dark, rainy day to wash away the tears is what you need to revive yourself. Even a wind swept day has its therapy to your senses and mindset, for example blowing away the cobwebs of your mind. Furthermore, the warmth of the sun’s rays against your skin, or seeing a bright sunny day, or the sun shining in the sky may be what you need to revive yourself. Or hide yourself.

The loneliness from being the bread winner in a relationship and a failing relationship can eventually make you feel empty. Your strong, secure, luxury home can feel like a house of cards. Or, your home can creep upon you and begin to make you paranoid of your surroundings. Ask yourself, “What do I have to lose if my relationship breaks down?” What is your answer? Could such a relationship that you find yourself in take the wind out of your sails? Could it take your legs from under you? How much hurt do you imagine would you be able to manage? That you could feel without crumbling into an emotional heap? What would be your greatest fear from the drowning of the relationship? Are you ready to relinquish the shackles to the now ‘exposed opportunist’ in your life? Or do you still need to be inextricably linked to this person? Why? Be honest with yourself.

How are you dealing with the emotional blackmail in your relationship?

How much of your wealth would you compromise in order to maintain the relationship, where you continue to be the major income earner? Would emotional blackmail be something that you could deal with? How much hurt would you endure to save the relationship? How much hurt would you inflict to manage the relationship? Would the honeyed-tongued opportunist remain to be the person who saves you in the relationship, even though they may be the cause.

How much longer would you endure walking on egg shells or broken glass within the relationship? Just to be with someone who is handsome and strong, or charming and eloquent, or a smooth operator.

UHNW and HNW Women Face Everything And RISE Coaching
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